I've been posting the articles on this blog about the exploration of Virtual Reality worlds. In the beginning, I wrote mainly about Playstation-home, recently about Second Life.
However, the current topics of VR are mostly referred to a stereoscopic vision. There seems to be some confusion on the web information regarding these issues.
Therefore, let me define M-VR as a one screen and W-VR as 2 screens.
M-VR stands for Mono-screen Virtual Reality. Image is displayed on a screen of personal computer or tablet, you can overlook by manipulating the screen images or videos by 360 degrees panoramic according to the movement of the controller or mouse.
W-VR stands for Double-screen Virtual Reality. By the images or videos with a parallax on two screens in same size.,we can see three-dimensional view by head up display or goggles type of viewer. Of course, it is also possible to overlooking the surrounding area by turning our head.
By making a distinction like this, we can avoid confusing these two VRs and make it easier to understand them.
Playstation-home and Second Life can be called as M-VR. Since M-VR has only one screen, you can easily display an image on the game console, personal computer and tablet screen. More than one person can watch it at the same time, by projector we can share it with many people. Street view of Google would also be nice to say M-VR in a broad sense.
Of course, two screens of the goggles type of viewer can display the same image of M-VR, panoramic viewing is available by movement of the head. We already have a large number of published recordings around the sports and museums.
Linden managing the Second Life has launched a project called SANSAR. They aim further refine images and stereoscopic viewing by goggles on this project. M-VR and W-VR will co-exist on it. Unlike the recorded images or videos I mentioned above, re-calculating different data for each eyes in a flash of time cannot prevent terminal computers or server computers from heavy load.
W-VR is going to be practical in games, architectural and medical fields. It is booming and market size is expected to growing up significantly. But Mr.M. from a game maker said “W-VR is not suitable for family to enjoy. Long game play with goggles should be painful. "
In addition, the age restriction was set for W-VR against too much immersion. Motion sickness is also alerted.
To consider these things, existing M-VR and future type W-VR should coexist. I think the users themselves should make a choice between them.
Thanks to the reviewer and nice advice of Mr.Josh
Thanks to the reviewer and nice advice of Mr.Josh
another “Second Life case”
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