The 14th February marks the day of the launch of the campaign One Billion Rising – the biggest mass action to end violence against women in human history.
The statistics show that one out of three women worldwide will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. This adds up to 1 billion women and girls and the number is rising.
The campaign One Billion Rising was launched by the global movement V-day to demand an ending of all violence against girls and women. One Billion Rising is a force for a safe and secure society without violence.
Every year in February, people all over the world gather outside courts, police stations, work places, churches, home etc. to highlight this global problem. We are raising our voices in solidarity with women’s organisations’ and activists across the world committed to ending all forms of violence and exploitation of women and girls. (citation:
This year’s theme is solidarity and the leading words are rise, resist and unite. The focus is to rise against all forms of violence against girls and women. But also against the systems that causes other forms of violence such as imperialism, fascism, racism, capitalism and neo-liberalism.
For the 7th year, on February 14, 2019, men and women in Second Life will join activists, writers, thinkers, celebrities, and people across the world to Rise, Resist and Unite as a show of unity, individual strength, and the need for change.
The Second Life event will feature a four-region stage where 200 people can come together to dance, surrounded by an area of art installations, arenas for poetry, live music, and dance and dramatic productions, and informational exhibits. A variety of performers will play over the 24-hour period and poetry and dance events will be held at different times, enabling people all over the world to attend this virtual event no matter their timezone. The regions will have a General maturity rating to allow all residents an opportunity to participate.
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