
Tanabata day will come soon








The Blue-Green Crystal will be closed

The new site is still a work in progress

One of my friends Lampithaler noticed me that she will close the The Blue-Green Crystal Site on second life at the end of June.She is working for renewal now and it will come on coming Sept.

From Lampithaler
'  The project "The Blue-Green Crystal" is a fairy tale from the book "Cloudhead Worldheart"", what I wrote, and my official contribution for this year's SLB 15 - Second Life Birthday.
And the big fairy tale "Cloudhead Worldheart" will be on display on the SIM LEA 22 as a major art project until 30 June.
Both projects of blue-green crystal at the SLB 15 and "Cloudhead Worldheart on LEA22 "" are closely linked.
On June 29th - tomorrow - I will give a closing event at LEA 22, where we will read the history of the blue-green crystal.  '

Blue-Green Crystal built a beautiful venue in SL15B site. MAP

It is located just on around the corner of free gifts delivery post.



SL15B website
The SL Community Celebration is a resident-supported celebration for  residents of Second Life. The entire event including coordination of exhibitors, performers, volunteers and presentation is created by and for residents on a solely volunteer basis.  This event has run for over 10 years.

遅ればせながら、SL15B セカンドライフ誕生15周年記念祭に参加してきました。今年のテーマは「クリスタル」です。









International Sushi Day

June 18th is International Sushi Day, and the first year it was celebrated was in 2009. International Sushi Day was created for one simple reason – to encourage all around the world to eat and love more sushi.

International Sushi Day – June 18

International Sushi Day – June 18

Days of the year 
”You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy sushi, which is kinda the same thing.”

International Sushi Day with Benihana

Sushi Striker International Sushi Day Celebration Event at Nintendo NY

 JeanlucSR 031


Hogan Baily Live

A Special Twisted Treat!
Hogan Baily Live @ Sockdolanger 6-7 pm.
A Very Special Treat for all you Twisted people..
Hogan Baily Live 6-7 pm
presented by Greased Lightning.
If you have never been to a Hogan Bailey you don't know what your missing!
This man holds nothing back. When he is on stage he is ALL there. He enjoys singing and make others smile. Warmhearted, humorous and talented doesn't come close to describing him.
So come on out and see for your self! 6 pm at the Sockdolanger.


June 15, 1963. Kyu Sakamoto tops the charts with “Sukiyaki”

On June 15, 1963, Kyu Sakamoto accomplished something never achieved before or since when he earned a #1 hit on the American pop charts with a song sung entirely in Japanese—a song originally written and recorded under the title “Ue O Muite Arukou.” This was not the title under which it climbed the U.S. pop charts, however. Instead of a faithfully translated title like “I Look Up When I Walk,” Sakamoto’s ballad was called, for no particular reason, “Sukiyaki.”   --"THIS DAY IN HISTORY"


Black cube Renewal &DJ Maria 2nd Anniversary Event

"この度Black cubeはお引っ越しのためRenewalすることになりましたそれを記念してイベントを行います!そしてなんと!この6月10日はDJ MARIAにとっても特別な日でDJデビューして2年がたち 3年目突入をすることを記念して日ごろお世話になっている方々に感謝を込めて DJ Maria 2nd Anniversary Eventをダブルで開催させていただくことにしました^^お時間のご都合がつきましたらぜひ遊びにいらしてください(o*。_。)oペコ"


Videos about new ps-home


PlayStation Home 2.0 - Announcement Trailer

PlayStation Home 2.0 - Announcement Trailer | PS4
FanMade Concept

PS Home Is Back (Sort Of) & Ni No Kuni 2 Delayed! - GS News Roundup


Student Virtual World Science Projects in Sine Space

Members here at Science Circle regularly attend our meetings for online discussions and collaboration. On June 9, I will discuss my attempts to get my students to collaborate and work together online. Sine space seems to provide the online networking in a safe networked environment we need. One of my students has created a space colony for Europa, and another has created a geological simulation called Eagle Rock, based on an actual area in Virginia. The creator of the sims can control who has access to the sim and can even delete it if so desired.
An optional field trip will be given at the end of the lecture. Details on how to log in will be giving at the end of the lecture. These sims can be accessed with a web browser and a guest account. Although the sine space client for pc and an account is recommended at https://sine.space.
