

World Space Week.4-10 Oct 2024.


JAXAの「いぶき2号」 音質ガス効果ガス観測技術衛星の紹介







End Polio Exhibition

 ポリオ殲滅運動の展示会場をリニューアルしました。Yan Lauriaさんのご助言したがって、ポリオとは何か、ポリオの歴史を追加し、いくつかの展示のスクリプトを変更して、チャットにリンクを表示することにしました。また、日本語とスペイン語の案内板を追加しています。

The Polio Eradication Exhibition has been redesigned, following Yan Lauria's suggestion, adding What is Polio, History of Polio, and changing the scripts of some exhibits to show links in the nearby chat.   The information boards in Japanese and Spanish were added.

→Link to SL site 会場へのリンク→



 Please be aware that there are currently no Firestorm versions 8, 9, or 10. The latest official release is Firestorm 7.1.9 (74745). For your safety, always download Firestorm from the official source: main firestormviewer.org domain. Make sure to type this address directly into your web browser or click the version number in the top-left corner of the Firestorm splash screen. Do not trust download links shared by non-team members. You can verify if someone is a Firestorm team member by checking their profile and looking for "Firestorm Support/Developer/[Staff]" in the payment information field - the "description" fields, groups list or "picks" do not count. This message will be displayed for a few days due to a recent increase in scam activity - please do not ask in support groups to remove it, or when exactly it will be gone.

現在、Firestormのバージョン8、9、10は。存在ません。最新の公式リリースはFirestorm 7.1.9(74745)です。安全のため、Firestormは必ず公式サイトであるfirestormviewer.orgドメインからダウンロードしてください。Firestormのスプラッシュスクリーンの左上にあるバージョン番号をクリックしてください。

サポートのチームメンバー以外が提示するダウンロードリンクは信用しないでください。Firestormサポートチームのメンバーであるかどうかは、そのひとのプロフィールを確認し、「Firestorm Support/Developer/[Staff]」が支払い情報欄に記載されているかどうかで確認できます―「説明」欄、グループリスト、または「ピック」も表示されていません。


IMPORTANT, READ EVERYTHING. Please be aware that there are currently no Firestorm versions 8, 9, 10, 11 or [any number higher than 7]. The latest official Release is Firestorm 7.1.9 (74745). For your safety, always download Firestorm (does not matter what the version number is) from the official source: main firestormviewer.org domain. Make sure to type this address directly into your web browser or click the version number in the top-left corner of the Firestorm splash screen. For beta/preview group: use the official notecard issued via group notice ONLY.

NEVER trust download links shared by non-team members. You can verify if someone is a Firestorm team member by checking their profile and looking for "Firestorm Support/Developer/[Staff]" in the payment information field - the "description" fields, groups list or "picks" do not count. This message will be displayed for a few days due to a recent increase in scam activity - please do not ask in support groups to remove it, or when exactly it will be gone.

Firestorm downloads (version 7.1.9 - PBR):


Older Firestorm downloads (versions 6.6.14 and 6.6.17 - non-PBR):


Linden Lab - Stay Alert - Spotting Suspicious Download Links:



Helping End Polio Project


 The polio eradication campaign has come very close to achieving its goal. However, it has stalled due to factors such as regional conflicts and poor security. Many international organizations are involved in this effort, but there is no information available within Second Life. Therefore, I have created an information center. Although everything is written in English, please visit and take a look.